Working Environment of Mavrikos Imports SA


• The Company respects the rights of employees and complies with labor legislation. In all the previous years, no control body found violations of labor legislation.

• The company has an internal regulation, the provisions of which are subject to all the official and technical personnel of the Company, who are connected to it with a dependent work relationship for an indefinite or fixed time or an apprenticeship contract, etc.

• We ensure a safe working environment for the people who work in our company. We provide all the necessary means of protection and we provide training seminars, such as the training of the staff by an expert scientist in the event of an earthquake or fire on how to evacuate the building in a safe manner.

• We grant loans to employees when they apply for it, subject to applicable legal provisions, with favorable terms of repayment.

• The company shows great interest in the family, financial and health problems of its employees by providing financial aid and unpaid leave if demanded for long periods.

• In our company we find ways to meet and celebrate together. Every year we organize an event for the cutting the new year cake either inside or outside a company, and the price for the coin is a fair amount of money.

• At Christmas and Easter, are given to all employees in gift wrapping products that our company traders.

• Continuous improvement of the company’s software infrastructure creates a sense of user friendliness and security.

• The company on a regular basis updates its hardware to improve speed and reduce its adverse effects on users while replacing traditional LED lighting with new generation LEDs creating ideal working conditions.

• All workers who come into contact with food have a valid health record.

The company has the following committees:

  • Risk Management Committee. The company has a risk management committee. Basic care to assess the potential risks that the company undertakes, investments, acquisitions, mergers, expansions, etc.
  • Health Committee. In the company, an Employee Health, and Safety Committee (E.H.S.C.) has been established by employee representatives to improve working conditions based on (23280/603/2011) on the health and safety of employees, which is renewed every 2 years.
  • Committee regarding the provision of first aid and fire safety. The company has trained its staff in earthquake-fire issues and applies the Building Fire Protection Regulation P.D. 41 7/5/2018, has posted an evacuation plan for the premises, earthquake protection instructions of the O.E.S.P., an escape plan per floor and has set up a first aid and fire safety committee. Finally, the employees make recommendations to the meetings that have been established every week, specifically every Wednesday, on everything that concerns the company's social responsibility, as well as, in general, everything that concerns the operation of the business.


• We support uniqueness by enhancing respect and mutual trust that can transform a corporate target into personal motivation.

• We place great emphasis on equal opportunities and the evolution of our people to evolve professionally and personally, but also to be an integral part of our successful course.

• At the end of each year, all employees of the company are evaluated for their knowledge, skill, diligence, efficiency, willingness, spirit of cooperation, their overall attitude, and loyalty to the company.

• The promotion of equal opportunities and the protection of diversity are the basic principles of the Company. The Company's Management does not discrimination in recruitment/selection, wages, training, assigning work duties or any other work tasks activities. The factors that are exclusively considered are experience, personality, theoretical training, qualifications, efficiency, and the individual's abilities.

The Company urges and recommends that all its employees respect the diversity of every employee or supplier or customer of the Company and not accept any behavior that may create discrimination of any kind.

The Company's policy in this area is based on the Guidelines of the OECD or the International Labor Organization (ILO). Policy of differentiation and equal opportunities (regardless of caste, religion, handicap, or other aspects).

The company in 2021 employed 21 workers of different genders and ages and the constant policy of the Company is to provide equal opportunities to workers, regardless of caste, religion, handicap, or other aspects.

The Company's relations with its staff are excellent and are not presented work problems.

We support uniqueness while fostering respect and reciprocity trust that can turn a corporate goal into a personal one motivation.

• We attach great importance to equal opportunities and the development of our people so that they can develop professionally and personally, but also to become integral members of our successful course.

IMPORTS MAVRIKOS as a family business has created a working environment with an emphasis on the spirit of cooperation and belief in the power of teamwork.

• In our company there is no frequent staff turnover. Employees usually stay for many years and in many cases retire from it. The family atmosphere and the feeling of security are pervasive in our company.

• Due to the nature of the products, we sell and our constant effort to evolve and discover new premium products, we proceed with taste tests in which skilled employees of the relevant department of the company take part, testing - rating and commenting on the new items. In many cases they can propose ways to promote new products.


• Management informs in time all employees of any changes within the company or of anything new concerning the company.

• By Investing in effective communication between employees, we are open to the problems and concerns of our colleagues, always trying to provide a solution wherever possible.

• Every week, there is the regular employees and management meeting held in our meeting room to discuss various issues of all departments, to solve and analyze problems and discuss ways of progress and development.

• We encourage internal communication to all levels and directions, always trying to have quick and valid knowledge of the new data of the continually evolving market, the legal framework and the social context in which we operate.


The value of education is a cornerstone for our company. Continuous information about the subject of our work is the driving force for progress.

• Employees are encouraged for their individual training according to their work. Also, if necessary, the company provides special licenses and reduction in working hours during the examination or attending their courses.

• Internal training seminars on the national and EU legislative framework are systematically organized, and professional guidance is provided depending on each department.

• Also, the company makes sure to improve the employees' knowledge by providing them with the opportunity to attend special seminars outside the company. Employees follow developments and are informed about economic developments, new laws, new tactics necessary tools for the orderly performance of their duties.

The company has adopted the basic UN Global Impact Principles and the GRI Global Reporting Initiative.

Human rights

The company supports and respects the protection of international human rights.


The company defends and recognizes the freedom of the right to collective bargaining.

The company defends the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor.

The company defends the effective abolition of child labor.

The company defends the elimination of discrimination in relation to employment and profession.


The company supports a proactive approach to environmental challenges as well as taking initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.

The company encourages the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.

Fight against corruption

The company fights corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Finally, the company has:

• High efficiency 125KVA generator that covers all the electrical loads required for the smooth operation of the company in the event of a power outage.

• Fire detection system.

• 11 cubic meter fire pump complex in the basement of the building.

• State-of-the-art recording and remote monitoring system in all internal and external areas of the facilities licensed by the Personal Data Protection Authority.

• State-of-the-art recording and monitoring system and remote temperature and humidity of the cold rooms.

• State-of-the-art alarm system.

• Integrated Food Safety and Hygiene Plan whose implementation is reviewed during the annual HACCP inspection.

• Cleaning and recording program daily for the entire building unit.